Thursday, July 29, 2010

I want to spent time with My Model

I never met a model like her in my lifetime. She is a beautiful woman. She has big brown eyes and brown straight hair. She has thin lips and she always has a warm and great smile on her face. She has high cheekbones with dimples on her cheeks. She is not only beautiful on the outside but also on the inside. She is smart and intelligent. She is soft spoken. I lived with this model in one room. We ate together, we drank together and we had fun together. She left me when I was in the 6th grade, but I will remember her all my life. She was special . I want to spend my time with this woman. So, I am going to meet her with a great bouquet of roses and give her a big hug . Then, we are going to visit her house. She has a beautiful house, it is like a castle. It is not too big, but it is cute. To get to her home, we will take a walk on the path to her house. On the both sides, there are beautiful flowers which we can pick. On the right of the path, there is a small pond with frogs. They will sing a beautiful song. We're going to walk down the hill, and from there, we will be able to see her house. At the back of her house there is a beautiful river. She has a rich garden with many trees and fruits. She's going to cook my favorite soup for me. I've never tested soup this delicious. She is going to cook corn on the cob. After that, we're going to swim in the river. We're going to sing songs and after that, we ar going to visit my relatives. I am sure she wants to see where I live right now. We 're going to fly on an airplane to the U.S. We're going to visit my apartment. I am going to cook and have a great party with all my relatives. We're going to shop at the market, and after that, at the mall. I am sure she will buy me a beautiful present. Can you guess who this person is? I will tell you. She is a famous model in my family and her name is Malana. She is my grandma. I miss her so much. I can't erase good people like my grandma from my life. They stay forever in my heart. I wish to be like her.... (written by Larisa) (edited by Bill Z.)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

The bag with two Cents

Long long time ago in my country lived together grandpa and grandma. They were very poor. They had one hen and one rooster.Grandma hadthe hen and grandpa had the rooster. One day the hen laid an egg. Grandma was very happy. She had something to eat but grandpa wanted to eat too. He told his wife: "Share your egg with me!" But she was very mean and selfish; she told her husband: "Try to hit your rooster he can make an egg for you too - I hit my hen and she made me this egg".Grandpa was looking for his rooster he caught and he hit it so badly , therooster ran away from the house. Granpa yelled after him :"Don't come back until you bring me an egg!" The rooster thought in his mind, I am happy I'm still alive.

He was walking on the street,alone and sad and he was looking down on the ground .Suddenly he can't believe his eyes he saw a bag with two cents.He picked up that bag and ran home. While he was running him saw old rich man riding his wagon . The rich man told his servant:"Run and pick up the bag . The servant took the bag from the rooster. But the rooster yelled:Give me the bag back!! But they didn't want to give him the bag back.

The rooster followed them until they arrvied at home. And he start to yelled again too:"Give me my bag back . The rich man got so mad at him and he ordered to catch him and throw him in the farm with animals. "Maybe they can swallow him ,and we will be done with him ". The rooster was enough strong and he swallowed all the animals instead. He came to the man's window and started again to yell but with more power :"Rich man give me my bag back".

He order to throw him in the room with money he can swallow and choke and he will die .For the rooster it wasn't hard to swallow all the dollars ,and he came back to the rich man bigger than before. The rich man didn't want to hear again his voice. He gave the bag back to the rooster.

The rooster took the bag and turned back home. When the hens saw him they followed the rooster because the rooster was smart, big, strong and handsome .When he come home he told them to put a rug on the yard and he spit out everything dollars ,animals and a lot of hen came with him . In a second the grandpa became a rich man. Grandpa was proud of rooster grandma was impressed when she saw what the rooster brought home .She wanted every thing too but he told her :"Hit your hen and she will bring you something ."Grandpa was not very angry he treated his wife like a servant on his farm .

I took a lessons from this story .Be strong when you have little power or money you will have more like a rooster . Sometime we are running for small thing while you are losing big things .

Friday, July 16, 2010

Perfect day

Perfect day
For me, a perfect day includes sleeping in and nice cup of tea in the morning. Sunny weather, running in the forest. A perfect day includes stying in the computer,and studying English. Perfect day is when I having nice to talk with my family. A perfect day end with something delicious such as a Russian cake.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Best and worst things about learning English

The Best and worst things about learning English.
I want to write about learning English - it is my favorite subject and I like very much. Why? I don't know but I feel in my heart like pushing me to do this work. I think this part is the best things about learning English. My friends are asking me why do you need to study? It is enough for you. when I am studying something I want more and more to take. I am getting very slow. I hope in one day I will be very good in English. I thing when you know very good English it is opens many doors and you can talk with every body. And the world it's bigger in aur face we have more opportunity in life. To take what I like or whet I need. My goals for the futures to study English day and night unthil I can get what I want.
The worst things about learning English. The second part is the hardest part for me. When I like something I can't tell many bad things about learning English. I want to say one thing about English. "It is crazy language". I thing it's O.K because I like English.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Hi everybody. I am Larisa Roata. I am from Moldova. I have been in the United States four years. I come from a big family. I have four sisters and I am the fifth and I have four brothers. Mom and dad are very good parents. I am happy because I was raised with a very good education. But, I am sad because I miss them. My education has followed me to the U.S.and makes me to strong. I want to say something: I am happy in America because I have the opportunity to study. My dream in my country was to continue my studies. I didn't have the opportunity to study because I didn't have enough money. When I came to the U.S.,this door was opened for me and my family members. I am glad to take this class in summer quarter. I need to improve my writing skills . You know Liz hou bed is my writing. I am happy to see you again.