Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I am both a night person and day.Person

I am a night person. When dark come my family members are come together to pray. After that we are sing several songs ,then we are read from the Bible.When we are done, everyone is free to do what they want to do ; finish their homework or go to bed. Before to go to bed I go outside to look at sky. And to count how may stars I look ath the beautiful moon. In my country were so many Stars I couldn't count, the sky was very dark. When is coming the dark I feel like is pulling me in this dark and I am full of peace . And I am ready to start my work to do. Where did I get this habits ? I think for my mom. She always was working in the night and I helped her or just wait until she got done all work. My dad always brave- her said about my mom ."If your mom was like a car or machine she would have broken a long time ago. Because she was working from morning until get dark and after work she did everything. There were eleven people in my house she had a lot of work to do but I never saw her unhappy a she always have a great smile and happy face .When she worked she sang songs.When I got married I always baked bread at nigh time or cleaned or I did laundry. My neighbors always said to me, when you stop? At night I always see light on at your house. I was happy to start work for next day. My work was hard I had to work from 6:oo am until to 6:oo pm. In the United State I am continuing to do the same. If I have to study I am drinking coffee or coca cola to stay up and in my house it is quiet and I can do my homework or to do my housework. I just can't stop until I get everything done. But I thing it's good idea to be a day person ore a night person. To be bought it is not good you will be skinny like me.

1 comment:

  1. GREEN!!! A very interesting post, Larisa. I like how you tie your lifestyle and habits to your past, and what you grew up seeing.

    A few things:
    come together to pray
    After that we sing several songs, then we read from the bible.
    When we are done, everyone is free to do what they want to do; finish their homework or go to bed.
    I go outside to look at
    look at the beautiful moon
    I am full of peace (not peas!)
    Where did I get this habit?
    I think from my mom.
    hight - night
    white - wait
    brave - praised her and said, "If your mom was a car or machine, she would have broken a long time ago."
    ever thing -everything
    hows - house
    she sang songs
    I always
    nigh - night
    My neighbors always said to me, when do you stop? At night I always see a light on at your house."
    or do my housework
    MAYBE ADD: I just can't stop until I get everything done.
    But I think it's a good idea to be a day person OR a night be both is not good for you and you will end up skinny like me.
