Thursday, October 14, 2010

Troublem in my way


Trouble in my way wrote by Stimson Michelle.
  • When I came in my daughter room I sow a book on her table.I liked the picture on the first page.I opened and I started to read a little bit; I had a feeling that I would like this book.I started to read it - it was very good writing and understanding for me. Suddenly she came in the room and she said me"Ohhhh.... I think is not for your age mom."
  • I smiled and I told her : I feel this book is for both for me and for you."I was right this book is it about relationship between mom and daughter.KarisReed is the daughter of a single mom who was only16 when she gave birth to Karis. Now however,her mother is trying teach her daughter how to have a relationship with the God and protect her from big mistakes like mom's mistakes.Her mom traded to explain her doughtier how long time take her to repairer her mistake."It take me 10 years-old to raise you and after that to take a nursing class."
  • Karis Reed has only two things on her mind -well maybe for today. She just turned 16 years -old and she is on her way to getting her driver's license. Karis Reed means well.She really is a good person at heart.Going to a boy's house without permission was just a mistake.But her mistake of a mother doesn't see it that way.Karis's mother takes away all of her electronic,including her cellphone leaving Karis feeling unjustly punished,.Even though Karis is grounded,trouble seems to find her anyway.After a cell ,disaster and a questionable young mam put Karis is at odds with her mother again ,Karis must figure out how to be the godly person she knows she is inside.After that she was talking with her best friend Inga. Karis tell about her problem with her mom. Her friend get a new ideas. If you don't have a cellphone ,you can use my youngest sister's cellphone. She is not using it to much. "But be careful when you will call use after 6:oo ,and every thing will be O.K.In the next month Karis talked a lot with her boyfriend without her mom's permission. At the end of the month the family receives bill of $900. Inga got so mad at Karis...and she asked for the money to pay the bill. Karis doesn't have any money. Becouse only her mam was working. She paid for every thing: the rent,the food.etc. When her mom heard about another news. Now her mom made another desicion: to move her dougther to live with her father.

1 comment:

  1. Hello!!!

    Good summary about this book . Now I'm interested in this book .

    Advice: check it next sentence because you have a mistake

    to find her anuway
