Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Thank you for being my friend.

When I came to the United Stats. It was full of surprises for me. To be honest I didn't want to came to the U.S. When we first arrived at airport, a group of relatives were cheering for us. They had so many flowers and a lot of balloons. They gave us hugs and sais "Welcome to U.S." the second surprise was when I saw people who didn't know us but they were talking in Moldavian too. I recognized who they were when they come to meet us. I remember one family gave us a box of chocolate. When we got home they surprised us with a big part. My relatives showed us their big and beautiful house, that they had bought two weeks before we came.We lived in the house for 2 months for free.I understood that they wanted to help as. Now it is my turn to meet people at the airport and help them like they helped us.
The life started over. Was very hard to start over, when you know nothing in English.We didn't no what meant to exist in English. A lot of bills and they we were in English. My husband told me "Don't unpack the baggage I want to go home"." Why? " I asked him. "So it will be easy to flay back to Moldova." Before his dream was ... "In one day I will be in America". I told hem "We don't have anyway back to Moldova". In this hard situation a young boy from Moldova helped my family.
He worked in U.S. like translator. He helped as to get of stress. He taught as how to pay the bills. And how to solve other problems. We start the school. My husband again start complaining. When he did homework and the teacher checked, and when he saw all papers were red he left the class and he went home again. The teacher asked me "Where is your husband?".I said "We will back in class tomorrow." He told me "This week we will go back to Moldova." In thes case helped my family the people who gave us a box with chocolate on the airport. They told us when they came the people were talking in English ,but I hear in my ears only a song singing. Lidia encouraged us to "keep going ...don't give up."She worked hard toked a prerequisites for nursing last ear . Last ear she toked LPN program .This fall she intered the RN program. She encouraged us all the time. And in each holiday she is giving my family many surprises. Right now it is my turn to help other families.

1 comment:

  1. As usual very thoughtful, Larisa; you always share so much! I really enjoyed reading the part about, "Don't unpack, I want to go home."
    I am going to be talking to you about some grammar corrections and SPELLING in class so you can edit it one more time. Also you will be reading this ALOUD in class, so practice reading it aloud a few times before class!!
