Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My dream for school and job

I believe in a dream for my future. And I am in a blessed country. My dream about school and job can became reality. I came from a family of nine children. My parents worked hard and they taught us how to be hard worker and how to solve many problems. I started going to work with my mom when turn 6 years old. I remember like, when she fed the animals in the morning, after that she has to go to work. I started crying and begged her to bring me with her to her work. All my and sisters and brothers were helping mom. I felt frustrated, because I couldn't help my mom. Towards the end of our conversation she agreed to let me come to work with her. Her work was to make boxes from wood, from first grade in the morning I used to go to school after school I ate and I walked 3
kilometers to work, and 3 kilometres back to my house. One of my sister come earlier from work to cook food for my family. I started to cook from 4 grade. When I finished 10th grade I want to go nursing but my father told me to stay with parents to take care of them. I begged them to let me study. At the end of conversation they decided that I can go to study for a cooking.They told me it's enought for nursing ,we have 3 daughters that studied for nursing. I can't start another program without parents blessing. I studied cooking for 2 years. When I finished I started to work. I like cooking and to serve people. When I have a little bit of time I am cooking food or I am studying. My husband is asking me "Larisa why you start again to cook ? We have food in the fridge". But in my hart some were dipper were my wish planted the seeds to study ,for nursing or for accounting. When I came in the U.S. I felt that seeds started to grow little by little. I am getting things very slow but I am keep doing the best I can.
What do you think? I started learning English . After 3 rd level I took compass test and I got accepted in the program for Medical Assistant.
Guss what? I got a big surprise. I got pregnant with girl. O studied very hard, all night and day. I slept just few hours at night and to keep me wake I used to drink strong coffee. Another thing that I used to do that keep me awake at night was, I open the door outside and used to put a blanket on the floor and I continued to study, and to be ready for the next day class. On the six mounts of pregnancy I felt that coffee was to strong for me and for my baby. I have a varicose veins, so the veins started crumbling my vein so bad that I started to cry. About half way through my pregnancy I left the program. After that I took a phlebotomy program. I finished that progrm , but to work in that program, I have to read and write and speak very well. I believe in one day my dream will becomes true. Larisa's slogan is "Yes I Can."

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