Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The first Thanksgiving in the U.S. for my relatevs...

My relatives came from my country two weeks ago. We met them at the airport.They were two young couples and to moms that have children in the U.S. for long time. There children tried to convince their parents to come live in U.S. They disagree to come here, but they opened visa for their moms to visit. In four days they were ready to fly to the U.S. When they arrived they couldn't believe, they were actually in U.S.A. All my relatives went to meet them. They were crying and smiling.This felt like being in Moldova.
The night before of Thanksgiving I invited them to my house to celebrate Thanksgiving. I covered the table with a lot of food. I invited them to sit at the table. Boht moms are sisters , and they sat next to each other I sat next to them, and I heard all their conversation .We were joking , and we remembered funny stories from my country. When I put shrimp on the table the youngest sister asked oldest; "What is that , and how can I eat them ?''
The oldest sister said ;"Why are you asking me ?We came at the same time in the same airplane. Do you thint I know how to eat them? "told oldest sister to youngest "I am here the first time , just like you.
We all laughed a lot ..We stayed up together until 3 AM because they couldn't sleep; whenit is day in my country it is night in U.S.A. This was first and the funniest Thanksgiving in the U.S. for my relateve.

1 comment:

  1. This is a wonderful story, Larisa - what great memories it will make. I'll be making a few more corrections to give you in class - see you SOON!
