Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The first Thanksgiving in the U.S. for my relatevs...

My relatives came from my country two weeks ago. We met them at the airport.They were two young couples and to moms that have children in the U.S. for long time. There children tried to convince their parents to come live in U.S. They disagree to come here, but they opened visa for their moms to visit. In four days they were ready to fly to the U.S. When they arrived they couldn't believe, they were actually in U.S.A. All my relatives went to meet them. They were crying and smiling.This felt like being in Moldova.
The night before of Thanksgiving I invited them to my house to celebrate Thanksgiving. I covered the table with a lot of food. I invited them to sit at the table. Boht moms are sisters , and they sat next to each other I sat next to them, and I heard all their conversation .We were joking , and we remembered funny stories from my country. When I put shrimp on the table the youngest sister asked oldest; "What is that , and how can I eat them ?''
The oldest sister said ;"Why are you asking me ?We came at the same time in the same airplane. Do you thint I know how to eat them? "told oldest sister to youngest "I am here the first time , just like you.
We all laughed a lot ..We stayed up together until 3 AM because they couldn't sleep; whenit is day in my country it is night in U.S.A. This was first and the funniest Thanksgiving in the U.S. for my relateve.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My dream for school and job

I believe in a dream for my future. And I am in a blessed country. My dream about school and job can became reality. I came from a family of nine children. My parents worked hard and they taught us how to be hard worker and how to solve many problems. I started going to work with my mom when turn 6 years old. I remember like, when she fed the animals in the morning, after that she has to go to work. I started crying and begged her to bring me with her to her work. All my and sisters and brothers were helping mom. I felt frustrated, because I couldn't help my mom. Towards the end of our conversation she agreed to let me come to work with her. Her work was to make boxes from wood, from first grade in the morning I used to go to school after school I ate and I walked 3
kilometers to work, and 3 kilometres back to my house. One of my sister come earlier from work to cook food for my family. I started to cook from 4 grade. When I finished 10th grade I want to go nursing but my father told me to stay with parents to take care of them. I begged them to let me study. At the end of conversation they decided that I can go to study for a cooking.They told me it's enought for nursing ,we have 3 daughters that studied for nursing. I can't start another program without parents blessing. I studied cooking for 2 years. When I finished I started to work. I like cooking and to serve people. When I have a little bit of time I am cooking food or I am studying. My husband is asking me "Larisa why you start again to cook ? We have food in the fridge". But in my hart some were dipper were my wish planted the seeds to study ,for nursing or for accounting. When I came in the U.S. I felt that seeds started to grow little by little. I am getting things very slow but I am keep doing the best I can.
What do you think? I started learning English . After 3 rd level I took compass test and I got accepted in the program for Medical Assistant.
Guss what? I got a big surprise. I got pregnant with girl. O studied very hard, all night and day. I slept just few hours at night and to keep me wake I used to drink strong coffee. Another thing that I used to do that keep me awake at night was, I open the door outside and used to put a blanket on the floor and I continued to study, and to be ready for the next day class. On the six mounts of pregnancy I felt that coffee was to strong for me and for my baby. I have a varicose veins, so the veins started crumbling my vein so bad that I started to cry. About half way through my pregnancy I left the program. After that I took a phlebotomy program. I finished that progrm , but to work in that program, I have to read and write and speak very well. I believe in one day my dream will becomes true. Larisa's slogan is "Yes I Can."

Friday, October 29, 2010

Short advice,it is better than nothing..

Dear New Immigrant,
Welcome to the United States!!! I wish to give a good advice for immigrants. Smile all the time. It help you relieve stress. Answer on question ,"How are you?" "Very good !!!"Even if every thing is up side down. All the time be happy!!! When you are not happy. Tray to found what lost .
Study what you didn't study. It will help you a lot in your life. Tray to climb when the mountain to reach your goals. Work hard if you want to get what you want.
Don't do.Never ask anyone" Haw old they are?" Tray to guess. Don't bay expensive staff, if you don't have enough money.Don't risk to drive to fast.You will get a tickets.Don't go to the magdanot,made food home. You will help keep your family members halt.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Thank you for being my friend.

When I came to the United Stats. It was full of surprises for me. To be honest I didn't want to came to the U.S. When we first arrived at airport, a group of relatives were cheering for us. They had so many flowers and a lot of balloons. They gave us hugs and sais "Welcome to U.S." the second surprise was when I saw people who didn't know us but they were talking in Moldavian too. I recognized who they were when they come to meet us. I remember one family gave us a box of chocolate. When we got home they surprised us with a big part. My relatives showed us their big and beautiful house, that they had bought two weeks before we came.We lived in the house for 2 months for free.I understood that they wanted to help as. Now it is my turn to meet people at the airport and help them like they helped us.
The life started over. Was very hard to start over, when you know nothing in English.We didn't no what meant to exist in English. A lot of bills and they we were in English. My husband told me "Don't unpack the baggage I want to go home"." Why? " I asked him. "So it will be easy to flay back to Moldova." Before his dream was ... "In one day I will be in America". I told hem "We don't have anyway back to Moldova". In this hard situation a young boy from Moldova helped my family.
He worked in U.S. like translator. He helped as to get of stress. He taught as how to pay the bills. And how to solve other problems. We start the school. My husband again start complaining. When he did homework and the teacher checked, and when he saw all papers were red he left the class and he went home again. The teacher asked me "Where is your husband?".I said "We will back in class tomorrow." He told me "This week we will go back to Moldova." In thes case helped my family the people who gave us a box with chocolate on the airport. They told us when they came the people were talking in English ,but I hear in my ears only a song singing. Lidia encouraged us to "keep going ...don't give up."She worked hard toked a prerequisites for nursing last ear . Last ear she toked LPN program .This fall she intered the RN program. She encouraged us all the time. And in each holiday she is giving my family many surprises. Right now it is my turn to help other families.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Troublem in my way


Trouble in my way wrote by Stimson Michelle.
  • When I came in my daughter room I sow a book on her table.I liked the picture on the first page.I opened and I started to read a little bit; I had a feeling that I would like this book.I started to read it - it was very good writing and understanding for me. Suddenly she came in the room and she said me"Ohhhh.... I think is not for your age mom."
  • I smiled and I told her : I feel this book is for both for me and for you."I was right this book is it about relationship between mom and daughter.KarisReed is the daughter of a single mom who was only16 when she gave birth to Karis. Now however,her mother is trying teach her daughter how to have a relationship with the God and protect her from big mistakes like mom's mistakes.Her mom traded to explain her doughtier how long time take her to repairer her mistake."It take me 10 years-old to raise you and after that to take a nursing class."
  • Karis Reed has only two things on her mind -well maybe for today. She just turned 16 years -old and she is on her way to getting her driver's license. Karis Reed means well.She really is a good person at heart.Going to a boy's house without permission was just a mistake.But her mistake of a mother doesn't see it that way.Karis's mother takes away all of her electronic,including her cellphone leaving Karis feeling unjustly punished,.Even though Karis is grounded,trouble seems to find her anyway.After a cell ,disaster and a questionable young mam put Karis is at odds with her mother again ,Karis must figure out how to be the godly person she knows she is inside.After that she was talking with her best friend Inga. Karis tell about her problem with her mom. Her friend get a new ideas. If you don't have a cellphone ,you can use my youngest sister's cellphone. She is not using it to much. "But be careful when you will call use after 6:oo ,and every thing will be O.K.In the next month Karis talked a lot with her boyfriend without her mom's permission. At the end of the month the family receives bill of $900. Inga got so mad at Karis...and she asked for the money to pay the bill. Karis doesn't have any money. Becouse only her mam was working. She paid for every thing: the rent,the food.etc. When her mom heard about another news. Now her mom made another desicion: to move her dougther to live with her father.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I am both a night person and day.Person

I am a night person. When dark come my family members are come together to pray. After that we are sing several songs ,then we are read from the Bible.When we are done, everyone is free to do what they want to do ; finish their homework or go to bed. Before to go to bed I go outside to look at sky. And to count how may stars I look ath the beautiful moon. In my country were so many Stars I couldn't count, the sky was very dark. When is coming the dark I feel like is pulling me in this dark and I am full of peace . And I am ready to start my work to do. Where did I get this habits ? I think for my mom. She always was working in the night and I helped her or just wait until she got done all work. My dad always brave- her said about my mom ."If your mom was like a car or machine she would have broken a long time ago. Because she was working from morning until get dark and after work she did everything. There were eleven people in my house she had a lot of work to do but I never saw her unhappy a she always have a great smile and happy face .When she worked she sang songs.When I got married I always baked bread at nigh time or cleaned or I did laundry. My neighbors always said to me, when you stop? At night I always see light on at your house. I was happy to start work for next day. My work was hard I had to work from 6:oo am until to 6:oo pm. In the United State I am continuing to do the same. If I have to study I am drinking coffee or coca cola to stay up and in my house it is quiet and I can do my homework or to do my housework. I just can't stop until I get everything done. But I thing it's good idea to be a day person ore a night person. To be bought it is not good you will be skinny like me.

Friday, August 6, 2010

It is beautiful to be a women but sometimes it is very hard. I am happy because I am mam so I am dung this work gladly.It doesn't matter if I have to do a lot of work for my family.Sometime I get so so tired ,but I want to do every thing that I had planned in my head. To be a mam is to have a beautiful future.

I think it is good idea to be a father but it is hard work for some men. I thing it is more difficult for men to be a father than mam. Because they have to understand wife's needs children's needs.And when they understand their needs they have to work harder than women. So I think
they are doing very good job!!!
Mothers and Fathers good luck in beautiful life...